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Monday, February 27, 2017

Generate Bing map authentication Key for Windows based application

Windows allow us to integrate Bing maps in our application so we need to generate an application key using Bing developer account. This article shows you how to generate Bing map application key from Bing developer account.
Generate Key from Bing Map Portal:
I have shown below steps for register Application key for windows based application using Bing maps developer portal.
Step 1: Navigate to Bing map Developer portal https://www.bingmapsportal.com/ and login using your Microsoft account
Step 2: Create new Bing map account :
Provide the following basic profile information and accept Bing map terms and condition and click Create. If you already registered user, no need to do this step
Step 3: Generate Application Key:
In Bing map Portal, Click on My Account and select My keys
And click on create new application key and provide application name, key type(Basic/Enterprise), application type and click on create or You can chose already created Bing map application key
Step 4: Completed
After successfully created application key, the new key appears below the My keys form. Copy it to a safe place or immediately add it to your app.
I will share bing map implementation in my next article. If you have any question or feedback, please share in the comment box.

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