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Friday, September 12, 2014

How to access isolated storage / local database in windows phone or emulator?

For testing if you want access local storage or local database you can use Windows Phone Poser Tools (http://wptools.codeplex.com/)



How to run and deploy an app for Windows Phone ? or How to deploy Xap file into Device ?

How to run and deploy an app for Windows Phone ? Or How to deploy Xap file into Device ?
We can run your app in Windows Phone Emulator and windows phone device connected to development computer.
While you are developing Windows phone app .you can test your app two component
1.       Windows Phone Emulator
2.       Windows Phone ( before publish  windows store you should test in your device as well )
App Publish and running apps on a Windows phone device
·         Register your device for development for windows phone
·         Connect your computer (unlock phone screen)
·         Select Target to deploy Device
 *** You can deploy up to 10 apps on a registered device
App Publish using Application Deployment Tool:
You are not having source code .your developer sent only xap file during time we need to use xapDeploy.exe
Where I can find xapDeploye.exe file?
You can only use the version of the Application Deployment tool installed in the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v7.1\Tools\XAP Deployment to deploy apps that target Windows Phone OS 7.1