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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Delegate-Lambda Expression (=>):



Lambda Expression  (=>):


A lambda expression is an unnamed method written in place of a delegate instance.

The compiler immediately converts the lambda expression to either


  • Delegate Instance
  • Unmanaged Method
  • Lambda Expression it introduced in C# 3.0


Below is delegate method declaration


     public delegate int AddTwoNumberDel(int fvalue, int svalue);


     We can use lambda expression


                 AddTwoNumberDel AT = (a, b) => a + b;

          int result=   AT(1,2);



Before that what we used Please check this url





What is Syntax in Lambda Expression?:


A lambda expression has the following form:


(parameters) => expression-or-statement-block


(a, b) => a + b;   this program


(a, b)  èParameter

a+b     è Expression /statement block

=>      è  Lambda Expression


You can write Following format also


(a, b) =>{ return  a + b }


Func ,Action Keyword:


Lambda Expression mostly used Func and Action Keyword

  • Func Keyword is one of the generic Delegate

Example 1:


Func<int, int,string> Add = (fvalue, svalue) => (fvalue + svalue).ToString();

            MessageBox.Show(Add(3, 5));          // outPut 8


Example 2:


Func<int, int, int> Add = (fvalue, svalue) => fvalue + svalue;

            MessageBox.Show(Add(3, 5).ToString());          // outPut 8


Above program  how its working ?


Func  è Func is Keyword


Func<int, int,string> è first Two type is parameter ,Last type is return type


Add  è Add is Method Name


(fvalue, svalue èParameter


(fvalue + svalue).ToString(); è Statement



Other feature:


  • You can access outer variable also 



Int value=50;


Func<int, int, int> Add = (fvalue, svalue) => fvalue + svalue+ value;

            MessageBox.Show(Add(3, 5).ToString());          // outPut 58


Question ?


Int value=50;


Func<int, int, int> Add = (fvalue, svalue) => fvalue + svalue+ value;


    Int value=100;


            MessageBox.Show(Add(3, 5).ToString());  


    Int value=200;


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Action Keyword:


Action Type same like Func method but The Action type receives parameters but does not return a parameter. The Func type, however, receives parameters and also returns a result value. The difference is that an Action never returns anything, while the Func always returns something. An Action is a void-style method in the C# language




using System;
class Program
    static void Main()
      // Example Action instances.
      // ... First example uses one parameter.
      // ... Second example uses two parameters.
      // ... Third example uses no parameter.
      // ... None have results.
      Action<int> example1 =
          (int x) => MessageBox.Show("Write {0}", x);
      Action<int, int> example2 =
          (x, y) => MessageBox.Show ("Write {0} and {1}", x, y);
      Action example3 =
          () => MessageBox.Show ("Done");
      // Call the anonymous methods.  Or example1(1)
      example2.Invoke(2, 3);
Write 1
Write 2 and 3

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