tutorials, tips and tricks to design a Windows Phone,Windows Store ,UWP,XAML ,.Net Application , Micrsoft Interview Question
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Openings with ITC Infotech for .net Developer
we have openings with one of our our client
ITC Infotech and the required Skills are
Essential Skills: ASP.Net, C#, WebServices, SQl Server
work location : Bengalore
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Current CTC:
Expected CTC:
Notice period:
blackapple Solutions
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Visual Studio .NET 2005 Keyboard Shortcuts
Class Diagram | ||
| ClassDiagram | Expand |
| Edit | ExpandCollapseBaseTypeList |
| Edit | Delete |
| Edit | RemovefromDiagram |
| View | ViewCode |
| Edit | NavigateToLollipop |
| ClassDiagram | Collapse |
DataSet Editor | ||
| Data | InsertColumn |
| Data | Column |
Deployment Designer | ||
| Diagram | RedrawConnection |
| Diagram | RerouteConnection |
Global | ||
| View | NavigateBackward |
| View | NavigateForward |
| View | ShowSmartTag |
| Tools | GoToCommandLine |
| View | CodeDefinitionWindow |
| View | ErrorList |
| View | TaskList |
| View | BrowseNext |
| View | BrowsePrevious |
| View | ForwardBrowseContext |
| View | PopBrowseContext |
| Edit | SelectAll |
| View | CommandWindow |
| Project | AddNewItem |
| Project | AddExistingItem |
| Debug | Breakpoints |
| Debug | BreakatFunction |
| Build | BuildSolution |
| Edit | Undo |
| Debug | BreakAll |
| Build | Cancel |
| Debug | CallStack |
| View | ClassView |
| Debug | Disassembly |
| Edit | GoToFindCombo |
| Data | ShowDataSources |
| Edit | Cut |
| Window | ShowEzMDIFileList |
| Edit | MoveControlDownGrid |
| Edit | SizeControlDownGrid |
| Debug | Exceptions |
| View | ResourceView |
| Diagram | Properties |
| Edit | ShowTileGrid |
| View | FullScreen |
| Window | ActivateDocumentWindow |
| Window | CloseToolWindow |
| Edit | Find |
| Edit | FindinFiles |
| Help | Contents |
| Help | HowDoI |
| Help | F1Help |
| Help | WindowHelp |
| Debug | ApplyCodeChanges |
| Debug | StepOverCurrentProcess |
| Debug | RunToCursor |
| Debug | SetNextStatement |
| Debug | StepOver |
| Tools | MacrosIDE |
| Debug | StepIntoCurrentProcess |
| Debug | ToggleDisassembly |
| Debug | StepOutCurrentProcess |
| Debug | StepInto |
| Debug | StepOut |
| Edit | FindSymbol |
| View | FindSymbolResults |
| Edit | GoToDeclaration |
| View | NextError |
| Edit | GoToDefinition |
| Edit | QuickFindSymbol |
| Edit | FindAllReferences |
| Help | Index |
| Window | MovetoNavigationBar |
| View | EditLabel |
| Edit | StopSearch |
| Help | Search |
| Edit | FindNextSelected |
| Edit | FindPreviousSelected |
| Edit | FindNext |
| Help | SearchResults |
| Edit | FindPrevious |
| Window | CloseDocumentWindow |
| View | PropertiesWindow |
| View | PropertyPages |
| Data | StepInto |
| Data | Execute |
| Debug | StartWithoutDebugging |
| Debug | Restart |
| Debug | Start |
| Debug | StartWithApplicationVerifier |
| Debug | StopDebugging |
| Window | NextPane |
| Window | NextDocumentWindow |
| Window | PreviousDocumentWindow |
| Window | NextSplitPane |
| Window | PreviousPane |
| Window | PreviousSplitPane |
| Window | NextToolWindowNav |
| Build | Compile |
| View | ToggleDesigner |
| Window | PreviousToolWindowNav |
| View | MacroExplorer |
| Edit | GoToNextLocation |
| Edit | GoToPrevLocation |
| DebuggerContextMenus | BreakpointsWindow |
| DebuggerContextMenus | BreakpointsWindow |
| DebuggerContextMenus | BreakpointsWindow |
| Debug | EnableBreakpoint |
| Debug | DeleteAllBreakpoints |
| Debug | ToggleBreakpoint |
| Debug | QuickWatch |
| Debug | Registers |
| Edit | GoTo |
| Edit | OpenFile |
| Debug | Threads |
| Edit | Replace |
| Edit | ReplaceinFiles |
| Debug | Immediate |
| Project | Override |
| Edit | Copy |
| Edit | CycleClipboardRing |
| Edit | Paste |
| View | ObjectBrowser |
| Tools | CodeSnippetsManager |
| NewFolder | |
| Edit | GenerateMethodStub |
| Edit | NextBookmark |
| Edit | PreviousBookmark |
| View | ObjectBrowserGoToSearchCombo |
| Edit | SurroundWith |
| View | ClassViewGoToSearchCombo |
| View | BookmarkWindow |
| Edit | InsertSnippet |
| Edit | NextBookmarkInFolder |
| Edit | PreviousBookmarkInFolder |
| View | SolutionExplorer |
| View | Backward |
| Edit | MoveControlLeftGrid |
| Edit | SizeControlLeftGrid |
| Debug | Memory1 |
| Debug | Memory2 |
| Debug | Memory3 |
| Debug | Memory4 |
| Debug | ScriptExplorer |
| File | NewFile |
| File | NewProject |
| Debug | ShowNextStatement |
| View | Output |
| File | OpenFile |
| File | OpenProject |
| Tools | AttachtoProcess |
| File | |
| Tools | RunTemporaryMacro |
| Window | NextTab |
| Data | RunSelection |
| View | WebBrowser |
| Refactor | EncapsulateField |
| Refactor | ExtractInterface |
| Refactor | ExtractMethod |
| Refactor | ReorderParameters |
| Refactor | PromoteLocalVariable |
| Refactor | Rename |
| Refactor | RemoveParameters |
| Tools | RecordTemporaryMacro |
| View | Forward |
| Edit | MoveControlRightGrid |
| Edit | SizeControlRightGrid |
| View | ServerExplorer |
| File | SaveSelectedItems |
| File | SaveAll |
| View | DocumentOutline |
| Window | PreviousDocumentWindowNav |
| Window | NextDocumentWindowNav |
| Edit | SelectPreviousControl |
| Edit | SelectNextControl |
| Debug | Modules |
| Edit | SizeControlUpGrid |
| Edit | MoveControlUpGrid |
| Debug | Autos |
| Debug | Locals |
| Debug | Watch |
| Debug | Watch2 |
| Debug | Watch3 |
| Debug | Watch4 |
| File | ViewinBrowser |
| View | Toolbox |
| Test | StartSelectedTestProjectwithoutDebugger |
| Test | StartSelectedTestProjectwithDebugger |
| Debug | Processes |
| Edit | Redo |
HTML Editor Design View | ||
| Format | Bold |
| Layout | InsertRowBelow |
| View | ViewMarkup |
| Format | Italic |
| Format | ConverttoHyperlink |
| Format | InsertBookmark |
| Layout | InsertColumntotheLeft |
| Project | AddContentPage |
| View | EditMaster |
| View | NonVisualControls |
| View | VisibleBorders |
| View | Details |
| Layout | InsertColumntotheRight |
| Format | Underline |
| Layout | InsertRowAbove |
HTML Editor Source View | ||
| View | AutoCloseTagOverride |
| View | ViewDesigner |
| View | NextView |
| Window | PreviousTab |
Managed Resources Editor | ||
| Resources | Strings |
| Resources | Images |
| Resources | Icons |
| Resources | Audio |
| Resources | Files |
| Resources | Other |
| Edit | Remove |
Report Designer | ||
| View | Datasets |
| Edit | MoveControlDown |
| Edit | SizeControlDown |
| Edit | LineDown |
| Edit | LineDownExtend |
| Edit | BreakLine |
| Edit | MoveControlLeft |
| Edit | SizeControlLeft |
| Edit | CharLeft |
| Edit | CharLeftExtend |
| Edit | MoveControlRight |
| Edit | SizeControlRight |
| Edit | CharRight |
| Edit | CharRightExtend |
| Edit | TabLeft |
| Edit | InsertTab |
| Edit | SizeControlUp |
| Edit | MoveControlUp |
| Edit | LineUpExtend |
| Edit | LineUp |
Settings Designer | ||
| Edit | RemoveRow |
| Edit | SelectionCancel |
| Edit | EditCell |
Text Editor | ||
| Edit | DecreaseFilterLevel |
| Edit | IncreaseFilterLevel |
| Edit | GotoBrace |
| Edit | GotoBraceExtend |
| Edit | SelectToLastGoBack |
| Edit | DeleteBackwards |
| Edit | WordDeleteToStart |
| Edit | CopyParameterTip |
| Edit | WordDeleteToEnd |
| Edit | ScrollLineDown |
| Edit | LineDownExtendColumn |
| Edit | ToggleWordWrap |
| Edit | LineEnd |
| Edit | LineEndExtendColumn |
| Edit | LineEndExtend |
| Edit | LineOpenAbove |
| Edit | LineOpenBelow |
| Edit | LineStart |
| Edit | LineStartExtendColumn |
| Edit | LineStartExtend |
| Edit | IncrementalSearch |
| Edit | ReverseIncrementalSearch |
| Edit | OvertypeMode |
| Edit | ListMembers |
| Edit | DeleteHorizontalWhiteSpace |
| Edit | SwapAnchor |
| Edit | CommentSelection |
| Edit | FormatDocument |
| Edit | FormatSelection |
| Edit | ToggleTaskListShortcut |
| Edit | QuickInfo |
| Edit | ToggleBookmark |
| Edit | ClearBookmarks |
| Edit | UncommentSelection |
| Edit | LineCut |
| Edit | LineDelete |
| Edit | WordPrevious |
| Edit | WordPreviousExtendColumn |
| Edit | WordPreviousExtend |
| Edit | CharLeftExtendColumn |
| Edit | HideSelection |
| Edit | ToggleAllOutlining |
| Edit | ToggleOutliningExpansion |
| Edit | CollapsetoDefinitions |
| Edit | StopOutlining |
| Edit | CollapseTag |
| Edit | StopHidingCurrent |
| Edit | PasteParameterTip |
| Edit | ViewBottom |
| Edit | ViewBottomExtend |
| Edit | PageDown |
| Edit | PageDownExtend |
| Edit | ViewTop |
| Edit | ViewTopExtend |
| Edit | PageUp |
| Edit | PageUpExtend |
| Edit | ViewWhiteSpace |
| Edit | WordNext |
| Edit | WordNextExtendColumn |
| Edit | WordNextExtend |
| Edit | CharRightExtendColumn |
| Edit | ParameterInfo |
| Edit | CompleteWord |
| Edit | WordTranspose |
| Edit | CharTranspose |
| Edit | LineTranspose |
| Edit | MakeUppercase |
| Edit | MakeLowercase |
| Edit | ScrollLineUp |
| Edit | LineUpExtendColumn |
| Edit | SelectCurrentWord |
VC Accelerator Editor | ||
| Edit | NewAccelerator |
| Edit | NextKeyTyped |
VC Dialog Editor | ||
| Format | ButtonBottom |
| Format | TabOrder |
| Format | AlignBottoms |
| Format | SizetoContent |
| Format | CenterVertical |
| Format | CenterHorizontal |
| Format | AlignMiddles |
| Format | AlignCenters |
| Format | ToggleGuides |
| Edit | ScrollColumnLeft |
| Format | AlignLefts |
| Format | CheckMnemonics |
| Format | ButtonRight |
| Format | SpaceAcross |
| Edit | ScrollColumnRight |
| Format | AlignRights |
| Format | TestDialog |
| Format | SpaceDown |
| Format | AlignTops |
VC Image Editor | ||
| Image | SmallerBrush |
| Image | ZoomOut |
| Image | SmallBrush |
| Image | ZoomIn |
| Image | PreviousColor |
| Image | PreviousRightColor |
| Image | NextColor |
| Image | NextRightColor |
| Image | LargerBrush |
| Image | AirbrushTool |
| Image | BrushTool |
| Image | FillTool |
| Image | FlipHorizontal |
| Image | Rotate90Degrees |
| Image | FlipVertical |
| Image | PencilTool |
| Image | EraseTool |
| Image | NewImageType |
| Image | DrawOpaque |
| Image | LineTool |
| Image | MagnificationTool |
| Image | Magnify |
| Image | EllipseTool |
| Image | FilledEllipseTool |
| Image | OutlinedEllipseTool |
| Image | RectangleTool |
| Image | FilledRectangleTool |
| Image | OutlinedRectangleTool |
| Image | ShowGrid |
| Image | ShowTileGrid |
| Image | RectangleSelectionTool |
| Image | TextTool |
| Image | CopyandOutlineSelection |
| Image | UseSelectionasBrush |
| Image | RoundedRectangleTool |
| Image | FilledRoundedRectangleTool |
| Image | OutlinedRoundedRectangleTool |
VC String Editor | ||
| Edit | NewString |
View Designer | ||
| QueryDesigner | Diagram |
| QueryDesigner | Criteria |
| QueryDesigner | SQL |
| QueryDesigner | Results |
| QueryDesigner | GotoRow |
| QueryDesigner | JoinMode |
| QueryDesigner | ExecuteSQL |
| QueryDesigner | CancelRetrievingData |
WebBrowser | ||
| Help | Nexttopic |
| Help | Previoustopic |
Windows Forms Designer | ||
| Edit | DocumentEnd |
| Edit | DocumentEndExtend |
| Edit | DocumentStart |
| Edit | DocumentStartExtend |
XML Editor Schema View | ||
| Schema | Collapse |
| Schema | Expand |